1 minute read

netstat is used to list out all the network(socket) connections of a system. It is a very useful tool for checking system safety.


Here is the list of all the possible flags that we can use with the netstat command.

  • -a list all connection
  • -n disable DNS lookup
  • -t list only TCP connection
  • -u listen only UDP connection
  • -l to view only listening port
  • -p process details of the connection. Root privilege is needed for this option
  • -s print total packet received and transmitted by protocols
  • -i interface name
  • -ie to print a human-friendly version of the interface

Example of netstat commands

  • netstat -a List all the connection
  • netstat -at List only TCP connection
  • netstat -au List only UDP connection
  • netstat -an List all connections. -n option disable DNS name lookup. So it provides faster output.
  • netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED find only established connection.
  • netstst -aple | grep ntp to check any running program like NTP, SMTP, HTTP, etc.

Understand netstat output

The netstat output provides four basic columns. Proto, Local Address, Foreign Address and State

  1. Proto: The name of the protocol (TCP or UDP)
  2. Local Address:
    • means the port(566) is listening on all network interfaces
    • port is only listening for connections from the PC itself. PC regularly does connect itself for IPC or administrative tasks.
    • Public IP( It means the port is only listening for the connection from the internet
    • Local IP( Port is only listening for the connection from the local network
  3. Foreign Address: The IP address and port number of the remote computer.
  4. State:
    • LISTENING The port is open and listening for inbound connection
    • ESTABLISHED The connection is active between the two machines
    • TIMED_WAIT The connection has recently ended
    • SYN_SEND, SYN_RECEIVED appears during initial connection setup
    • FIN_WAIT, CLOSE_WAIT, LAST_ACK Appear while a connection is being closed

Wildcards: Asterisk(*) as a wildcard means as follows:

  • If the port is not yet established, the port number is shown as an asterisk( * )
  • *:* The connection can come from any IP address and originate from any port
  • *.* All IPv4 addresses
  • [::] All IPv6 addresses

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